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Leading Ladies of Harnett County is complied of amazing women. Please check out our officers and chairs on the next pages. In order to be a member of Leading Ladies of Harnett County, the woman must live, work or be a native of Harnett County. Interested members must want to help our community, willing to commit to volunteer your time 3 hours per month, and understand the importance of supporting and uplifting other women. Potential Members will be invited to our Meet and Greet facilitated by our Membership Committee. When looking at new members we look for (1) Leadership Skills (2) Community Involvement (3) Character (4) Commitment

Pamela Williams
LaKela Bell-McLean
Vice President/Group
Activities Chair

Crystal Baker
Treasurer /PR Chair
Bonita Guy

Minister Sandra Abney
Chaplain/Fundraiser Chair
Anitra Hart
Event Planner Chair

Dr. Pastor Sheila McKoy

Yolanda Geddie
Mentoring Committee
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